Appraising the Cutting-Room Floor

date Tuesday, 21 May 2013 time 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.

👤 Jared Earley 🏢 Comet Ping Pong


The film-fest submission process is not for the faint of heart! There are no standardized rules for curating films. Filmmakers hope that, at least, a festival’s selection committee has a sensibility for form and a receptiveness to unfamiliar content. But so many other factors are at play: personal tastes, cultural trends, logistics issues, etc.

Together, we’ll watch short films submitted to a celebrated international film festival and respectfully discuss their merits, while also considering the many variables that affect whether, how, when, where, and why a short film finds an audience. We’ll talk about what determines the right “fit” for a festival (and whether that’s actually important), along with what implications a single festival’s acceptance/rejection may have on the film and filmmaker’s long-term prospects. And — there will be popcorn.


Comet Ping Pong
5037 Connecticut Ave. NW
Washington, DC
Neighborhood: Van Ness

Past event