The Art of Desire and Co-Creation

date Saturday, 28 February 2015 time 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

👤 Jessica Leigh Lyons 🏢 Northeast Neighborhood Library


As Canadian motivational speaker Danielle LaPorte says, “Desire is the engine of creation.” The power of wanting is some serious mojo. When we step into our desires, really knowing what we want, big things can open up. And not just that kind of desire. Because desire is bigger than just romance.

This class is an invitation to identify your desires and to hear other people’s.

We’ll explore desire and co-creation through:

 * If art is not your forte, don’t panic. Alternatively, if you happen to be the next Michelangelo, don’t expect too much. The idea is to experiment with your creation process, not reproduce the Sistine Chapel.

This class is presented in partnership with DC Public Library.


Northeast Neighborhood Library
330 7th St. NE
Washington, DC
Neighborhood: Capitol Hill

Past event