Become a #FoodPorn Star

date Tuesday, 24 February 2015 time 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

👤 Kim Bryden 🏢 Union Market


event preview image

Hey baby, look at my cinnamon sticks. (Photo by Kim Bryden)

You want to impress your Instagram followers with your exciting food adventures, but what’s on screen just doesn’t do the experience justice. Join Kim, Founder of Cure[ate], on a food excursion in Union Market. You’ll learn how to take the best possible #FoodPorn Instagrams while touring the space, taking photos and video that capture both the ambiance and the products.

We will be using Instagram, so please install it on your phone before class. We’ll cover some other apps, as well.

Please bring $10 to pay for food to photograph. Meet under the water bottle chandelier, located between Righteous Cheese and Bidwell.

Note: A University of Maryland journalism student will be filming the class for her Television Reporting and Production course.


Union Market
1309 5th St. NE
Washington, DC 20002
Neighborhood: NoMa/Swampoodle

Past event