Food and Culture at the Museum
This early baby-carrot chopper led a revolution in healthful snacking!
Join Cory Bernat, a co-curator of “FOOD: Transforming the American Table, 1950-2000,” to discuss the themes of the exhibit and learn how a large-scale Smithsonian show comes together.
“FOOD” examines the social, cultural, and technological changes in how and what we ate in the latter half of the 20th century. We’ll touch on agriculture, food processing, marketing and distribution, kitchen appliances, shortcut foods, snack foods, and other convenience foods. How much are they a part of your daily life and how did they come to be? Discover how the “good food” movement, waves of immigrants, and countercultural politics influenced mainstream food options available today.
National Museum of American History
1300 Constitution Avenue NW
Neighborhood: National Mall
Past event