Give Me Fermentation, or Give Me Death!

date Tuesday, 24 September 2013 time 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

👤 Anastasia Kolobrodova 🏢 Anastasia's House


Beer and kimchi and yogurt — oh, my! Fermented foods are lurking in your refrigerator and cupboards. But how did they get there? And what are they doing? And why do they taste so good?!

Fermentation is one of the world’s oldest forms of food preservation. The process — in which microorganisms transform one substance into another, preferably tastier, substance — was used by the ancients on whatever they could swallow. 

We’ll start with a tasting of fermented foods and drinks, with explanations of why and how they got that way. Then you’ll follow an easy recipe for a fermented item to take home.

There will be a $5 materials fee for this course.


Read a class report here.


Anastasia's House
Washington, DC
Neighborhood: Bloomingdale
Address will be emailed upon registration.

Past event