Humanizing Digital Experiences in the Nonprofit World
Does your organization rely on inspiring people to take action in order to succeed? Do you understand the psychological factors that govern whether people decide to give or get involved with your organization’s mission?
Digital channels are a key pillar of a nonprofit’s overall strategy, and it is imperative that nonprofit professionals understand how to leverage them effectively. Foundations and nonprofits often miss out on a lot of opportunity simply because they don’t understand the human decision-making process.
In this class, the team at Creative Science will examine the efficacy of common fundraising strategies, and you’ll come away with concrete recommendations to make your campaigns more efficient and compelling by leveraging behavioral economic theories.
This class is primarily geared toward those who work at nonprofits, but you’re welcome to join if you are a donor (of time or money), a potential donor, or simply curious how nonprofits combine behavorial economics and technology as they try to expand and retain their donor bases.
cove Dupont
1666 Connecticut Ave. NW
Neighborhood: Dupont Circle
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