Improve Your Google Fu: Become a Better Searcher

date Thursday, 18 June 2015 time 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

👤 David Blum 🏢 Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library


“Google” is now a commonly accepted verb. But are you using all that the search engine has to offer?

In this hands-on class, we’ll explore the breadth of Google’s tools, including Boolean operators, methods of refining results, and advanced searches. Your Google Fu skills will go from yellow belt to black as you learn to deftly find reliable information.

You’ll also witness how a simple search can lead to bad results, and how people are manipulated to click on certain links. Join the defenders of good searching: Join the Google Fu dojo. Bring your laptop and your focus.

If Google-Fu doesn’t work for you, there is always Rex-Kwon Do.

The class will meet in the Digital Commons Dream Lab.

This class is presented in partnership with DC Public Library.


Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library
901 G St. NW
Washington, DC
Neighborhood: Chinatown

Past event