Making Minicomics and Zines
You, too, can make a zine featuring Bat Boy.
Learn to self-publish your own zine or minicomic entirely on a photocopier. We’ll start by looking at some particularly innovative examples. Then we’ll talk about techniques to create and mass-produce little booklets, and how to go from art or text all the way to a finished product. In groups, we’ll assemble a class zine and you’ll leave with your own copy.
Bring a page or two of whatever you’d like to add to the class zine: something from your sketchbook, a magazine clipping, a banana, whatever!
Look for us in the Digital Commons Dream Lab.
See photos from the first time we held this class!
This class is presented in partnership with DC Public Library.
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library
901 G St. NW
Neighborhood: Chinatown
Past event