Mass Incarceration in America

date Wednesday, 3 September 2014 time 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

👤 Alec Karakatsanis 🏢 The Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia


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Over the last three decades, America’s use of prisons has expanded to an unprecedented degree. We will look at the causes and effects of mass incarceration, particularly with respect to low-income communities and communities of color; review cases and stories often overlooked by popular accounts of American criminal “justice”; and discuss the ways in which we can move forward. The goal is to understand the scope of the crisis and to examine how and why a society could come to accomplish such a devastating and violent undertaking.


The Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia
601 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Moot Court Room

Washington, DC 20004

Past event