Our First Look at the Last Planet
This series of New Horizons images of Pluto and its largest moon, Charon, was taken between April 12 and April 18, 2015. (NASA)
On July 14, 2015, after a journey so long that its target was still classified as a major planet when it was launched, the spacecraft New Horizons will make an unprecedented fly-by of Pluto, that enigmatic rock at the edge of our solar system. On the cusp of New Horizons’ historic visit to Pluto — now called a dwarf planet — and its moons, we’ll share with you the view from mission control.
What do we know about Pluto? What will we learn about it? How do you make a spacecraft that will spend nine years traveling to its destination? What happens afterwards? We’ll answer these and many other questions, and admire the spacecraft’s latest photos as it approaches its goal.
This class is presented in partnership with Petworth Citizen & Reading Room.
Petworth Citizen & Reading Room
829 Upshur St. NW
Neighborhood: Petworth
Past event