Songwriting for Superheroes

date Saturday, 11 January 2014 time 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

πŸ‘€ Courtney Dowe 🏒 Takoma Park Neighborhood Library

 Past

This course will explore the power of songwriting to affect positive change within oneself and across the world. We will discuss what qualities make some song lyrics so powerful, and how to include or strengthen these elements in our own work. Then you’ll begin writing the lyrics and melody for an original song, either individually or with other students.

Both novices and seasoned songwriters are welcome. Bring an instrument if you like, but it’s in no way required. Do bring pen and paper, however.


Read a class report.


Takoma Park Neighborhood Library
416 Cedar St. NW
Washington, DC
Neighborhood: Takoma Park

Past event