Super Smash Bros. for Beginners
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS by Farley Santos is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
Perhaps you’ve watched your friends play the video game Super Smash Bros. and had no idea what’s going on, or maybe your character always dies the moment you pick up the controller. If so, fear no more!
We’ll start with a brief introduction on how to play, and then you’ll get hands-on practice to pick up the basics. You’ll leave knowing (a) the basic controls, (b) how to get back to stage when knocked off, (c) how to use shields and dodging, and (d) how to pull off an effective smash attack.
The material covered in the class is intended for novice players; it will not teach you how to excel with specific characters. We’ll be in the back room of the restaurant/bar Red Derby, so feel free to grab food and drinks during the class.
Red Derby
3718 14th St. NW
Neighborhood: Petworth
Past event