Art Salons in History and Practice
A group of artists and their handsome mustaches gather at the Salon d’Automne in the 1920s. (Archives Demeurisse)
The art salon is where modern art was born. The predecessors of social media, salons served as spaces for the exchange of ideas and opinions. These gatherings addressed such topics as technology, literature, art, and philosophy, acting as an incubator for some of the world’s most famous artworks and ideas.
This class will start with a survey of salon history and some of the topics people would discuss. In the second half of the class, we’ll have our own salon, so bring your ideas and creative endeavors to share! Snacks and drinks are welcome.
KCDC Pop-Up Learning Space
1613 Rhode Island Ave. NE
Neighborhood: Langdon/Brookland
Travel tips for the pop-up space
Past event